Pakistan is one of the most populous countries in the world. Roughly speaking, the labor force of Pakistan amounts to 200 million. With the present government taking steps to fulfill its promise of providing jobs to 10 million people, we can hope to find jobs in Pakistan.
These steps include the construction of 5 million houses. This will cause a boost in all the related industries creating jobs in Pakistan. Apart from this, focus on promoting tourism, small and medium enterprises, and other labor-intensive industries are likely to create jobs in Pakistan.
The people have really high hopes of much-awaited “change” through CPEC especially for creating jobs in Pakistan. CPEC is expected to have a major impact on Pakistan’s economic growth by creating 9 specialized economic zones, develop infrastructure and boost the energy sector.

Career Opportunities In Different Cities Of Pakistan:
Undoubtedly the biggest city of Pakistan, Karachi is often labeled as “mini Pakistan”. Mother of every Pakistani, Karachi receives migrants from all over the country. The metropolitan city stretches over 1,460 square miles. It is the financial and industrial hub of the country.
The cosmopolitan life of Karachi cannot be found anywhere else in the whole country. Bordered by the Arabian Sea, the city houses the biggest ports of the country making its transportation center.
Be it culture or politics, economics or philanthropy, everything is at the heart of Karachi. It is one of the fastest expanding cities in the world. Its ever-growing population contains people from all sorts of ethnic and religious backgrounds.
Not just from Pakistan but migrants from other parts of the world come to Pakistan to find jobs in Karachi. Karachi generates as much as 20% of GDP of the whole country making it the biggest city providing jobs in Pakistan.
Most of the companies have their head offices in Karachi. Energy sector giants such as PSO, PPL, HASCOL, and Shell have their head offices in Karachi. Those seeking jobs in Pakistan pertaining to the energy sector head their way to Karachi.
Talking about the financial sector, it is no different. Major Banks of the country such as HBL, UBL, Faysal Bank all have head offices in Karachi. Business graduates from all over the country come to Karachi to find jobs in Pakistan in the financial sector.
The educational sector is also most developed in Karachi. Jobs in Pakistan are abundant with respect to the educational sector. Be it school level, college or university level, Karachi has some of the best institutions in the country.
Karachi also has some of the biggest hospitals in the country offering medical-related jobs in Pakistan. These include jobs related to doctors, nursing staff and laboratory staff jobs in Pakistan. Those interested in the arts and entertainment industry also head their way to Karachi.
Karachi Arts council and NAPA are renowned institutions that work for the promotion of arts in the city. Apart from offering the best jobs in Pakistan, there are many opportunities with regard to entrepreneurship in Karachi.
It would not be incorrect to say that Lahore is the heart of Pakistan. It is the capital of the biggest province of Pakistan, Punjab. People from rural areas of Punjab travel to Lahore in search of jobs in Pakistan. Over the years, infrastructure in Lahore has improved greatly which one of the major reasons for the growth of Lahore as the commercial hub of Punjab.
The literacy rate of the city is also considerably high making Lahore abundant in the skilled labor force. Historical landmarks in Lahore such as Badshahi Mosque and Meenar-e-Pakistan draw people from all over the world. Another major attraction of Lahore is the delicious food. Lahore ranks among the top cities for tourism given its matchless hospitality.
Many companies have their head offices in Lahore. Punjab is the agricultural center of Pakistan. Therefore, many packaged food companies have their headquarters in Lahore.
These include Nestle and Fauji Foods. Jobs in Pakistan with regard to packaged milk also have head offices in Lahore. IT sector also has offices in Lahore that provide jobs in Pakistan. Lahore is also the center of the fashion and entertainment industry.
Those seeking jobs in Pakistan regarding the entertainment industry are available in the colorful city of Lahore. Lahore also provides media jobs in Pakistan as it has some of the biggest media houses located in the city. Many TV channels have their offices in Lahore giving technical, graphics designing, editorial, directorial and many other jobs in Pakistan.
Islamabad, the beautiful is the capital of Pakistan. The scenic Margalla Hills and majestic Shah Faisal Mosque are some of the highlights of the city. Being the capital city, Islamabad is the center of government offices and bureaucracy.
Jobs in Islamabad pertain mainly to ministries of the country and their allied sections. Regulatory bodies such as PEMRA, OGRA, and NEPRA also provide jobs in Pakistan in the capital city. Those who are looking for jobs in Pakistan related to the research and development sector also come to this beautiful city.
Diplomat offices are plentiful in Islamabad. Those who are looking for jobs in Pakistan of diplomatic nature head to this green city. There is a lot of movement of foreign officials in Islamabad since it is the capital city.
Moreover, the beauty of the city and the northern areas of Pakistan draw tourists from all over the world to the city. Hence tourism industry jobs are abundant in Islamabad. Jobs in Pakistan related to the hotel industry are also available in Islamabad. Ancillary businesses such as car rentals and tour operators also provide jobs in Pakistan in the capital city.
Apart from this, there is a growing trend in business activity in Islamabad. Corporate giants such as Telenor also have their head offices in Islamabad. With so much of real estate development around the city, there is also a lot of creation of jobs in Pakistan related to the construction industry and its ancillary firms.
The services sector is also one of the prominent employers in Islamabad with a lot of consultancy firms and educational institutions prospering in the city.
These were some of the major cities that provide jobs in Pakistan.